Membership in the DC Blues Society
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Please allow four weeks for payment processing and membership confirmation.
The DC Blues Society (DCBS) is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the blues. It is recognized as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation with the Internal Revenue Service.
Membership in the DC Blues Society entitles you to:
The Society's Monthly Newsletter, The Capital Blues Messenger
Discounts to DCBS Events
Email updates about upcoming events, discounts, and giveaways
Reductions on Items for Sale
The monthly newsletter contains:
Listings of Blues Performances
Society News and Events
DCBS Member Discounts and Giveaways
Local Clubs Featuring the Blues
Music Reviews
Reviews and Updates on Local Blues Events, People, and more!
Reviews and Updates on National Blues Events, People, and more!
The DC Blues Society sponsors a number of events throughout the year which include:
Annual DC Blues Festival (FREE in Mid-October!!!!)
Monthly Jams
Monthly 4th Friday Happy Hour
Black History Month Celebration
Special Events with National, Regional, and Local Blues Artists
Blues in the Schools Program
and more to come!
Join the DC Blues Society Now...
Not ready to join yet? Then sign up for the DCBS weekly Email Blast!
Join using Snail Mail
Click to download the form, print it, fill it out, and mail it in with your check or money order.
Corporate Membership
Corporate Members select ONE of the following:
6 Newsletter Ads
6 Web Ads
6 Eblast Ads
Combination of the above Ads (6 Ads)
For $200 per year, Corporate Members receive the same benefits as individual DCBS members PLUS 6 advertisements:
1/4 page ad in the DCBS Capital Blues Messenger Newsletter ($240 value)
sidebar icon on the DCBS website ($280 value)*
eblast ad in the DCBS promotional mailings ($300 value)
combination of the above
* each web ad will remain on the DCBS website for one week per posting.
DCBS will contact you soon after your payment is received to confirm how you would like to take advantage of these DCBS advertising opportunities.
Membership Fees
Membership fees cover the costs for jam and show venue rental fees, Annual DC Blues Festival expenses no longer supported by grants, and to continue to serve you and support the programs and events DCBS sponsors throughout the year.
Please allow four weeks for payment processing and membership confirmation.